Use of Art

PERMISSION FOR USE IS NOT GRANTED, reproduction rights for the use of art by Estela de Colores/Ancestral Messages are reserved. All artwork and writings are protected by national and international copyright laws, including The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Please respect the intent of these laws. 


You might be able to use Estela de Colores/Ancestral Messages art at your WORKSHOP or LECTURE in power point presentation (no film or video without further permission) with credit to the artist while the artwork is on the screen.

Permission is not given for the art to be included in a video recorded presentation for sale or for posting on the web.

Files will NOT be provided for this use.


If art is intended to accompany an interview or article featuring or discussing in some depth the life and art of Estela de Colores or Ancestral Messages files will be provided and the use is free.

Use of the art of Estela de Colores to illustrate  or decorate any subject other than a discussion of the art and life of Estela de Colores or Ancestral Messages is not permitted.

For permission to use art in a magazine, book or scholarly paper send a description of the intended use to


ONE image may be used on your personal (NON-COMMERCIAL) web site with a link to VISIBLE with the image. The image used must be no larger than 400 pixels/ 3 inches in either dimension and MUST NOT be used on a homepage, backgrounds, cropped, adapted customized or otherwise presented in a manner that obscures or interrupts the image. No type over the image. Images MAY NOT BE USED on web sites considered inappropriate by the artist. Images MAY NOT BE MODIFIED, colored, animated, adapted, collaged, used as a graphic design element, or altered in any way.


Images used must include and MAY NOT BE modified, colored, animated, collaged, adapted, customized or used as an element in a graphic design. Images MUST NOT EXCEED 200 pixels in any dimension.


Estela de Colores reserves the right to use any photo of her art as a tattoo.

If an image or partial image is used with this purpose we encourage the tatoo artist to make a donation to Estela de Colores or Ancestral Messages. We encourage as well to the tattoo bearer to engage an artist provably capable of rendering the best reproduction of the work for the most beautiful results. and to both to send photo of the tattoo finished or in progress with your name to, this photo might be used by Estela de Colores or Ancestral Messages in any kind of publication. Images are not provided for this use.


  • Use in self-published books, workbooks or technical books.
  • Collateral material — such as, brochures, business cards, pamphlets, information promoting a private practice of any kind.
  • No photo copies whatsoever.
  • No blotter art.
  • No party fliers.
  • No personal business promotion, including business cards, brochures, websites, etc.
  • No projections at parties without approval.
  • The artist does NOT allow her art to be collaged, customized, copied, adapted, incorporated, photoshopped, in anyway altered or used within another artists work.

If you intent to use Estela's art please submit any inquire with description of the possible use to

This document is subject to revision without notification.

Copyrighted Infringement is a violation of law that may be liable for statutory damages plus legal fees for each infringed upon image.